Friday, February 12, 2010

After trying Facebook out for the first time, I can see why social network sights are becoming very popular and important. I've heard some horror stories about myspace, but that's because I'm only hearing about how people use it to express themselves in very provocative ways. But, I've learned that social networking sites aren't all evil depending upon how they're being used.

The highest ranking people in this country are taking advantage of them in order to communicate information on a global or national basis through text, video, or pictures. Also to my own understanding, news media like Fox29 are taking advantage of social sites like twitter and facebook in order for people to quickly keep up with up to the minute information. This goes to prove that social networking could be educational because it keeps people informed of what's happening in this world.

Another so fascinating about social sites on the web, is that they can be accessed through a mobile device which means you can post anything while you're on the go. I do that with facebook, and I love it.

Social networking today was never possible back in the old days because we had very slow modems back then. Now with a high demand for broadband at cheap prices, that's not a probelem as the internet is starting to become more flash intensive in order to encourage interactivity and to create more appeal.

Take advantage of social networking sights for positive things like to encourage a friend halfway across the world. Add Joseph Ryan as your friend on Facebook if you have an account with them. Facebook could be really effective communication tool for this class. Have a good day.

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